It is putting 150 lbs. OPSEC much? If you dont bring a cell phone, then you wont be able to make a phone call unless you borrow one. Thank you again for giving me some peace of mind. You use a CamelBak instead. Please know that if ANYTHING serious happens to your Marine, you WILL be contacted. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. He called me that night to let me know that he had arrived safely but I havent heard from him since. It wouldnt hurt to send him something, but it is unlikely that he will be allowed to keep the candy though they may let him have it on Christmas day. Marine Combat Training (MCT) is a school that Marines attend to learn how to become proficient with their weapons, and combat. Sometimes the stress is not dealt with properly. It is not worth him hurting himself over, or doing something worse. Parents/family were allowed to visit, I didnt get to! Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. pack, grabbing your rifle, your Kevlar and your flak jacket and doing a light run (which the Marine Corps calls hiking). I have heard different things and I was wondering if you had an answer for me, because that would be awesome! We have NOT been able to find an updated graduation schedule for MCT or ITB East at Camp Geiger. Im honestly not sure how they will coordinate MCT arrivals this close to Christmas. ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. It is to bring them home after a combat tour. I would like to thank Vdawgs Hot Dogs Cart! 2013-2014 MCT Graduation Dates (pdf) WOWI went through MCT almost 10 years ago (the first platoon to integrate females) and we were allowed to take our phones with us. Updated on June 8th, 2022 the complete Marine Corps Boot Camp schedule for 2023. i looked on tecomm and the site does notwork! Are males and females trained together on the West Coast? Youll have more jams and failures to feed in the high-tech simulator then you will with the actual weapon system. At least now I know what he is experiencing. [] Marines go through the Infantry Training Battalion (ITB), and non-infantry Marines go through Marine Combat Training (MCT), which is a 30 day, non-stop combat training school. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. Thank you for this GREAT website ful of information!! She will be free to call at any time once she is done with MCT. I wish you and your son all the best. You shouldnt have any worries here. I highly respect my Marine brothers and enjoy working with them. If your family is within 5 hours (my wife drove 8 because she REALLY loves me), then have them come. Understand the fact that he is now a man and no longer needs your cookies, care packages etc. The punish all because of the acts of one has LITERALLY no learning curve, purpose, or long-term positive logic behind it. My brother just left for MCT training this morning and after reading your article Im considering sending him some hand/ feet warmers. Apparently, I wont hear from him until tomorrow. Thanks (: My son left today to MCT training to Pendleton, how soon we will be notified where he is going to continue his MOS schooling and when the graduation will be? Some Marines attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton in California while others attend Camp Geiger in North Carolina. As fun as the shooting is, the waiting barely makes it worth the trip. Just our luck! Im sure many west coast Marines can argue that you never had hills to deal with (b/c I JUST left Camp Pendleton, believe me the hills are not something to argue with). He was thankful that I had found this site. So being that today is family day we should hear from her today right. MCT is really the last part of training that has such limited communications. Ive been considering taking my daughter to see her boyfriends graduation from MCT but were 10 hours away. A Marine could end up crawling in sand at nearly any time in their career, but there is no designated training at MCT that requires it like there was at boot camp. You get about 5 hours a day to yourself at MCT, and that is mostly spent sleeping. It is easy to figure out when a Marine will graduate from MCT. Yes, Marine Combat Training Battalion is encouraging family members to utilize the Rally Point on Monday the day before graduation from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm following the LINKS Brief and just prior to your Marines being released for liberty . They have more of the airplane hangers built, though, so its not like you have to sleep in green town the whole time. Even Marines get lists, directions and instructions several times on what to bring to MCT, I []. thank you so much for you help1!!!!! Secondly, there is nothing sensitive on this entire website. For two of the 4 weeks youll be eating MREs, so if hunger is a concern of yours, then dont sell/trade your food like a lot of Marines tend to do. Powered by WordPress. God Bless. They have some company come in and try to talk you into donating bone marrow. Sappy plates go in I think at the ranges. my marine left on the 29th of december to MCT. Also, your weapons training continues. As for phone calls. I tried to explain to his SGT that alex has not been the same since boot. Her recruiter was surprised she even went to MCT before the holidays, he thought she would be sent after Christmas. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. He was told he got Guard, and due to his mos start date he will have to stay in California unti lit starts! [] If you are planning on joining the Marine Corps, then you better get used to the idea of hiking everywhere you go. I am leaving for Parris Island on September 6. Camp Geiger is a vital training center unto itself. My son left for MCT on Monday. hi kevin i am a young kid who is wanting to join the marines but i want to be able to get into shape my dad is a ex marine and he does not know any where for me to get into shape and i am dedacated to joining the marines and i will stop at nothing to join the marines.i would like to knowif you know any places in michigan to help me get into shape if you can write me back it would be great. Before firing each weapon, youll shoot it on a simulated computer system called the IZMIT. Havent been out that way in quite a while so it may not be open anymore. What I got back was a 160 lb. No phones, etc., just letters that took 10 days to get to your sons hands, and stories I cant repeat ever. There will be NO leave period after completion of ITB or MCT. The training is 29 days in length. He was asked to stay on in Jacksonville until the end of April (doing what he did not know) and then attend a fire fighting course for three months in Dallas,Texas. Directions to MCT (pdf). Hi I have a question..I just received a phone call last week that my son who is at MCT .has been put into the hospital..he supposedly went crazy on a guy that had come up behind him and put a hold on him..i dont know why this guy would have done that but anywaymy son was admitted to the hospital ond put on the psychiatric ward on suicide watch for observationI dont know if he threaten sucide or they just put all there when they come in on his level..i talked to the doctor several days later on the phone with my son there and the doctor said that he was recommending that my son be released from the military because he cant handle the stress..and that he had received some abuse while at boot..i have talked to other marines who were there with my son and they deny and abuse.. just say it was very intense and harshnow my questions ismy son is trying to get out on a separation of the this possible and how hard is it..will it hurt his record? I really appreciate ur time and effort with this web site..It takes a load off my mind..Thanks again, @CherBey, Youre very welcome. I immediately told him that It was probably for the very same reason that you are calling me now, IE I needed an adult to do the job, not some grown man with overly concerned parents. and after while in mct he was put in the hospital on the psychiatric ward for observation and suicidal thoughts. He was also informed of his graduation date March 25th. Your Marine has a 4-digit MOS number that corresponds with the title of his/her Military Occupational Specialty. Also, would you be so kind as to include a list of other reputable websites that I, and others, can go to for more information? My son Devin is currently in MCT. But as a prior MCT instructor I do take some offense to some of the stuff posted on here. Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. I just came across your website today and I think it is very well done and very informational. The se See more Im curious what he might mean by this. Marines take pride in being the few, but every branch will try to argue why their branch is better. Hes done on the 15th I think and he told me he may be lucky if he even gets 3 days. The people that I saw have the most issues adjusting to the culture were the young men that had ties too close to home. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. But it's good training. East Coast trains 7 days a week, 16 hours a day for 29 days straight. Camp Geiger is named in honor of General Roy Geiger, who was a Marine aviator and commander of the I Amphibious Corps, III Amphibious Corps, and the Tenth United States Army during World War II. I graduated MCT on Dec 14, and the training schedule is pretty different from what you have, and from what Ive heard its constantly being reworked. I know she wants to see him but only being able to see him for 5 7 hours just doesnt make that drive worth it. (better than a 30 minute visitation!). My boyfriends school is pending and hell be up there for 2 weeks before he can start school (Jan 3) and I was wondering if theres anyway we can bring him home instead of him sitting up there waiting, is there any sort of form or way we can check him out so he can come back home? I talked to him today and we wil be driving there to visit him for his liberty from 8 am to 4 pm. My son is currently at MCT. The Miracle on Ice. Thank you for all the information that was given. Is he okay? They just have to push thru and except their new family and culture. The bad news is that youll be issued somewhere around 36 MREs for your two weeks in the field. I noticed West Coast has practically the whole month of Dec off!!! My son is graduating from MCT tomorrow, 1/4/11. Youll hike anywhere from 2-4 miles a day with your assault pack, Kevlar, flak, rifle and deuce gear. One of the best things you can do to help accelerate your career in the Marines especially after Marine boot camp is to apply for Permissive Recruiter Assistance Support Program (PRASP). Your daughter is going to be an 0400 Logistician. Rule #2 Bootcamp today is so much easier than when I was in boot camp I have been telling myself she is just too busy and this has just confirmed my thinking. Gloves Youll get issued all of your gear on day 2 or 3 of training. Everything on this site can be found on the officially run Marine Corps site, I have simply provided the information in a first-hand experience, and an easier to find format. I just got word that he might get a summary court Martial and; have to spend some time in the brigg. Bring your charger too, and make sure your phone is marked. Week three includes a lot of combat marksmanship, live fire, and more combat conditioning. I havent gotten any letters or phone calls. before hes gone for Christmas and 2 months after that. If he doesnt make it, he will be recyled. I enjoy this website, thanks so much. Phones I think 3 times after getting picked up, not every weekend. Your sons graduation date will be 29 days after his MCT check-in. God bless u and your family and friends. If its cold out and your hands are cold. It is sort of an inner club, as each coast has there own unique obstacles they must face (i.e. if hes doing it alone unless he makes a couple trips. I guess my question is, will he still go straight from MCT to pensacola? Following the Iraq deployment, Levi was assigned to various detachments who travelled and worked around Southeast Asia. Hello Kevin! There is no easy way of me getting there from Western NY without spending a fortune on plane tickets etc. All hikes start really early in the morning, and the long hikes at MCT usually last about 4 hours. Do everything you can to purchase a cover before you get there. Yes, Camp Geiger's Rally Point Recreation Center is located on 6th and D Street. HI Kevin, Simply add 4 weeks and 1 day to the date that your Marine (or you) classes up, and youll have your Marines MCT graduation date. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. I dont know how hes going to get all that stuff from the car to the airport etc. After MCT, they have the ability to purchase better luggage with wheels. The same goes for the argument of service branch. I was hoping to get to see her for at least the thanksgiving holiday. Depending on her MOS, she will be in school for 4 to 6 weeks. It is always on a Tuesday. After you complete and pass the BSRE, youll prepare for your 10 mile hike back to main side. My son leaves for Ft Geiger tomorrow. How do I find out my sons address so that we can send him a letter if we dont know his company etc.? Youll get MUCH better gear at MCT than at Boot Camp. On the other hand, MCT is for those without an Infantry-related MOS. You are using M4s and tactical slings now, that would have NEVER happened back then. From your posts it looks like there is another family day and graduation for combat training. Some of it makes sense, and some of it is pointless just like the military in general. Recruit receiving, 1st phase, 2nd phase, and 3rd phase. He has been able to contact me every Sunday for about 10 minutes, but this Sunday, I didnt get a call. Thanks in advance for response. I appreciate it. . The po box number is 20161. If youre on the West Coast Marines, then your ranges are right outside your barracks (last I heard), so you wont be doing as much hiking this week as the East Coast. However, those without the infantry designation still need combat training. The Marines expect every member to possess the ability to fight in combat. Image: Would have saved me a lot of time! Sorry I mean to say, what can he or I do to get him PTAD while hes waiting to class up for his MOS. Fleece Bottom For many patrons, attending an MCT production is a special occasion, but formal wear is not required. Im starting to worry a little bit. Thanks, Will they still leave straight from MCT to go to their school? Dakota, contact me at the link below and Ill help you the best I can. there, and only after your squared away & only if you performed perfectly week prior. Youll have time to use the head, eat MREs and sit on your packs only after youve fired. I always wanted to be a marine. My daughter just arrived at MCT today. His MOS is about 52 weeks long according to his Recruiter and I was wondering if since we are married is there any way I can live with him during MOS or at least on thr base since it is so long. Please let me know if you have any further questions. The School of Infantry (SOI) has two different locations; SOI West at Camp Pendleton in California and SOI East at Camp Geiger in North Carolina. [], Great website you have going here. You will be able to visit him but wont be able to live with him as far as i know unless they have changed. He has never spent anytime in jail or anything like it..I just dont no why he has changed so much. Yes, it will hurt his record, and will most likely effect his career down the road. After hearing and reading all thats required, I dont know if I would not have cried the whole time. Hi, my husband just started mct up , since he was on camp guard for about two weeks. What time does MCT graduation start? I wish we were getting those privileges. She did a little bit of research and a little bit of guessing. Yes, listen to their concerns, but they made a choice to live in a very adult world and we as parents have to let them go as hard as it may be! What should I expect and what can I tell his family? My son lost a lot of weight (45lbs)during boot.. mostly from so much exercise from the DIs crap. After a few days of classes and practical application, youll start the BSRE (Basic Skills Retention Exercise) which will test you on everything you have learned during Marine Combat Training. Canteen Pouch (2) Now I know that its just because he is extremely busy.. so I guess No News is Good News! MCT Knowledge. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. Magazines (4) The difference doesnt even begin to compare. Once an OFFICIAL updated schedule is available, we will add them to the charts below. What is your opinion? I have not recieved this. If you cant, then try to borrow one until you can buy one. Therefore, Marines attend a 29 day Marine Combat Training program. December 1, 2022 - Supreme Court will not hear case of Carol Clendening, a military widow who alleges her husband died of toxins exposure at Camp Lejeune Marine Camp. My boyfriend is currently at MCT at camp geiger and I was wondering if he would have libo tomorrow for thanksgiving? Just a correction to the mailing address. If not by your Marine, by someone within the command. Last question. In my experience, if they get Recruiters Assistance directly out of MCT, they will go to check in at their MOS school, and then head back to their Recruiting Station location. Heres some details on the hikes that will take place in Boot Camp and during Marine Combat Training. M16A4 w/ Rail, Pec Laser Sight & ACOG Battle Scope It all depends. My son should be doing that today and I am wondering when he will be finished so I can breath again. Youll also get good at putting on cami paint. I understand that your Marine is a cherished part of your family (Im facing that reality more and more with my oldest son), but they went 3 months in boot camp with limited communication with you29 days is nothing in comparision and they WILL have every opportunity to contact you while in MOS training. We plan to drive 61/2 hours to get there. How can I find that out so that I can send letters? The tent camp was intended to house the 1st. Regardless of where she is at, she will have Thanksgiving day liberty maybe even a 4-day (96 hour). Marine (native Cali- Go Giants!). Ive not recieved that either. My boyfriend is due to graduate on a Friday from Camp Geiger. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Im also assuming that the DIs are trained to see these flaws and do what is necessary to remedy them. She will leave directly from MCT to MOS school. This [], [] States Marine Corps, it was time for a break. West coast is way more laid back, so you might have an easier time, but the east coast doesnt play. Thanks for your help! Is there another graduation after MOS training? Very informational and just what I needed. I was an MCT instructor out there in the 90s all the pictures seem foreign to me except Camp Devil Dog. We appreciate you taking your time and resources Thank you for your service to this country I hope we can be deserving of it! This infomration you posted gives mre insight to what he will be up against for the net 29 days. Hey Kevin, I have a question for you. Thanks! Are you east or west coast? With my boyfriend coming home I was told the same thing that Marine Fiancee was being told about him having basically two weeks back home, but he called me and said hed be lucky if he had any? Gortex Top Sorry about the poor quality, the hd card was damaged. Its a little strange, but even my platoon never got to use phones the Sunday before graduation to make sure our families that were coming had the information they needed. lol. Social Security Card . He did state however that he will have 10 days of leave between MCT and MOS but that may also be because of when his MOS school starts. My boyfriend just left for MCT this week and I was all worried that I wasnt going to be able to see him. We address some frequently asked questions revolving around Marine Combat Training below. I believe my son is graduating Jan. 3/4th. Have some cash for a meal on the way to your school. The next few days youll spend studying for your final written exam, turning in gear, getting orders, going through admin again and practicing for your twenty-minute graduation. Dump Pouch (1) Thank you so much. hey my boyfriend just went into MCT and he has only 26 days left. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. My question is hes going to FLW, MO for 3531 MOS, Motor T Operator. its nice to know what my son is doing now. Does any of the info they were given sound familiar or even realistic? The SGT doesnt want to hear it..what can I do to help my son? I hope this helps. Nor can we have food or candy of our own. Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. He will not be coming home for Christmas. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California. Thank you so much. Marines at this stage used to sleep in tents, but Mothers of America had that changed by complaining, so now we get a giant tin can. Marines want to be confident that the Navy personnel they are deployed with care just as much about physical fitness as they do. In boot camp, we were told that after MCT, if our cammies had rips/stains that made them unservicable, that we could fill out some forms and have them replaced for free. A good reason to drive 10 hrs. What are your thoughts and what do you recall? Thank you for the info! (U.S. Marine Video by Sgt. After attending Marine Combat Training, it is time to attend schooling in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) before moving on to their permanent duty station. (Im east coast). He is graduating on March 22; I plan on driving down to it. I am actually trying to get orders there now as an instructor. If MCT(E) had the resources that MCT(W) had (for example, bivoucing right across the road from ALL the ranges in contrast to designated hunting sites) the east coast could afford to give their students more time off. His MOS is avaiation mechaninc (something like that.) Not every Marine is in Infantry, but every Marine receives Marine Combat Training. You still do fire watch at MCT. To find the MCT and MCT Alumni membership fees for your country/region, use the lookup tool at the end of the page. Thanks for this site. @ Chriatycorrection, I just talked to him yesterday and hes not sure about that last weekend lol he just heard that they can get out..I hope he can..but its okay if not..we will just drive there again.. He only called once while in MCT and that was last Saturday evening while I was at church. maybe if youre lucky on saturday nights but we were lucky to get more then 6 hours asleep a night and thats not even counting firewatch if you have it which is a two hour post sometimes more. I heard from my nephew the other night and he was somewhat disappointed that they are not sending him to his MOS in Pensacola as he had expected. Thanks. How long is the entire thing? Sure would like to know where the weekend liberty is everyone speaking of as wed love to have flown down to see him. Can you help or refer me to information or sites that would? The hands-on work will consist of performing patrols, spotting IEDs, detaining personnel, and operating checkpoints. Or is it less common for family to attend this time? Hi, My boyfriend just left for MCT training at camp Geiger on the 1st of feb assuming he will be going to MOS after wards on the 1st of march, when will i find out where he will be going for MOS and can i visit? Anything shared will be appreciated. Related Article Marine Corps Basic Training Guide. Some non-combat Marine MOSs include an Air traffic Controller or an Intelligence Specialist. If the car is registered in my name(her parent), is it going to be a problem if I am not going with them and will not be present? Same for graduation Feb 1, 2011 In either case, your training is the same. Any free time is spent cleaning weapons, guarding the armory, and cleaning the barracks. SOI East MCT BN Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. He said hes in 2800 (ground electronics). I have seen people go UA, jump off buildings, drink Brasso and even bash their knees in with rocks to get a discharge. Here youll learn the basics in mounting and dismounting a seven-ton armored vehicle, patrolling, IED detection and procedures, security check points, vehicle and detainee searches, night assaults, ambushes, crossing danger points, map reading and more. Is this an attempt at spam/link building? He was suppose to have PTAD for a couple of weeks back home. Do you know if this us true? I went to MOS school with a guy that went to a baseball game during boot camp, and was able to leave base during MCT on the weekends. hey what happens after MCT? this really helped me out with my husband being at mct. Hes most likely already done. Marine Girlfriend and Fiance. Should I be concerned that I havnt heard from her? At MCT you get anywhere from 10-30 minutes for chow, and you can go up for seconds if you wish. He can grab luggage carts at the Airport otherwise he will need to make multiple trips, or figure out how to turn himself into a load-bearing mule. I had a quick question for you. Thank you. The good news is that MCT flies by much faster than Boot Camp. Some Marines found MCT to be a challenge, while others thought it was much easier than boot camp. The all new 2022 Camp Geiger Leader Guide is finished and available for you to download now. But what do I know, my opinion is irrelevant, First of all, I think you mean site and not sight.. Rank and Name Kevin Webb. It s really hard for Moms (family members ) when all we can do is imagine and wonder what our Marines are doing! []. Super web site!! All Marines, regardless of coast get teh same classes and prac app times, they are completely mirrored. Canteens (2) @M Im posting answers to your questions on the MCT Frequently Asked Questions page as well. Do you know where shell go to school? The marines have taken me alot of places nad made me to the woman i am today, Hey Kevin, Proud Marine Mom Too bad they didnt add wheels to the sea bags to make them easier for one person to transport all that stuff. After MCT he will head straight to Pensecola, FLA for his MOS. Thats a tricky one. You might, if youre lucky, have about 30 minutes to change over to civilian clothes, grab your bags, say goodbye and jump on the bus. The good news is that they dont taste too bad, and the new ones come with chemical heaters. Training at Camp Lejeune Marines Unit Home New Personnel CAC-ID Card Center Checking In Housing Application Information Temporary Lodging Inns Of The Corps Vehicle Registration Household Goods. But it will be more than worth it. Glad youre finding my website useful. His family and I live on Long Island and not too sure whether to go down for that or if he will just fly back home if he has recruiters assistance and stays for a month. he didnt sound upset on the answering machine but im still worried Find an updated graduation schedule for 2023. I looked on tecomm and the new ones with. And wonder what our Marines are Infantry, but every branch will try borrow. Training days today right phone, then have them come time and resources thank you all... Stories I cant repeat ever branch is better ( 1 ) thank again... & ACOG Battle Scope it all depends easier than Boot Camp about 4 hours inner club, as each has... Would be sent after Christmas school for 4 to 6 weeks month of Dec off!... Any of the page wonder what our Marines are doing had ties too close to.! That Marines attend to learn how to become proficient with their weapons, stories! Will take place in Boot Camp schedule for MCT this week and I was wondering if you dont a. 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( better than a 30 minute visitation! ) unto itself parents/family were allowed to visit, really... Weight ( 45lbs ) during Boot.. mostly from so much about two.! Be doing that today is family day we should hear from her right... It alone unless he makes a couple trips MCT and he has been able to me. ] States Marine Corps, it was much easier than Boot Camp and during Marine Combat training recently.
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