Read Also: Orthopedic Boots For Broken Foot. KG do you sleep in your boot? The longer you leave it the harder it gets. Ive been too chicken to walk even a step without the boot on as ive read so many times that this is sorta when people re-rupture if its going to happen. While not the topic of discussion on this post, I was expecting that I would be immobilized in a boot without putting weight on my foot for a lot longer. Im at 5 months , 3 days now and waking with a slight limp now. When I was finally able to feel the area that was painful, the muscle felt very hard and knotted. Didnt hurt just felt different I have not have weight on foot for over 2 months. What to Look for in a Shoe to Wear After Bunion Surgery?Arch Support. With adequate arch support, youll find it much easier to increase your mobility while decreasing the amount of pain you feel when moving.Adjustability. Finding a pair of post-op shoes that you can easily adjust and navigate around your bandages is one of the most critical things.Rocker Bottom Shoes. Extra Depth. Rounder Toe-Boxes. More items I wouldnt worry. I already torned an ACL and internal meniscus while playing soccer at a competing level and now i feel like this will be my life. hi i had a bunionectomy on my right foot last friday and it is wednesday night now ..about 5 days later. Two days later, I got out of bed and before putting on the boot, got on my knee scooter. I am going in tomorrow to have my sutures removed. Im a bit concerned that I caused some damage or re ruptured the tendon and will call my doctor on Monday to see what he says. I know I had 2, the 2nd worst than the first as I had fallen off my knee scooter and caught myself with my casted footouch! Its really great. Now, i dont now if im going crazy or something but sometimes when im too good like feeling fine without thinking in the injury I just panic thinking if I get distracted and did something I shouldnt and try to remember if I felt any pain. Hi Serge you will be fine. This allowed me to focus and celebrate my mini achievements through the healing process (rom, going partial to full weight bearing, to walking etc). Ive been in a mental whirlwind since it happened, and hoping Im ok. I have an appointment tomorrow and Im crossing my fingers that everything is alright. I was very glad that I was able to find this thread to give me a bit of reassurance. Im really glad I found this. I am worried though about re-rupturing my achilles. I was certain something went wrong with the amount of pain I felt. If your injury is slightly above the ankle & is held together with titanium hardware after a few weeks(Id say at least 5 to 6 weeks) its proabably Ok. Read Also: The Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute. No pain, but a severe stretching feeling. I pretty much blacked out and started vomiting from the pain. Ive been massaging it now that Im in boot. Looks like we will be second surgery buddies! over the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain wednesday morning had subsided and i didnt feel the need to use my pain meds any morehowever about 2 hours ago i lost balance on my crutches and i completely stepped on my right foot (with boot) with all my weight about 2 times rather quickly before my bf caught me luckily he was near by. In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. Felt a whole lot of pain and burning. First of all, dont force yourself into activities that can harm you, especially for the first 2-3 weeks after the surgery. I have my follow up in 4 days. Ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter incident today. Placed some weight on my toes (and jammed my good shin against a bar on the scooter - that hurt the most). I have been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels fine. Although I passed the Thompson test, reflex test and moving my foot up and down and side to side there was a gap shown in the MRI that had occurred during my fall. Katie Price was spotted leaving the doctors just days ago with a bandage on her left foot, after undergoing surgery on it recently as part of her recovery from an old injury. This morning after going to the bathroom I misjudged getting back on my knee scooter and came straight down on my toes of my bad foot. Talk about a scary proposition. This blog is a god send. It felt weird it didnt hurt, I dont think i stepped on it hard enough to do damage. My calf is really atrophied. Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with screws. I was google what just happens to me today and I found this. Sounds like this has happened to plenty of people - anything I should stress about?? Interesting how it differs. It hurt really bad for the rest of the night but I took some pain killers and managed to get some sleep. I fractured my heel on 3/23/19 calcaneus . Sign up for all the best celeb news from the Mirrorhere. 4 years ago, I thought all that work healing, elevating, icing, for nothing! Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. sounds great! !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. Currently have my leg propped up and ice being applied. Has anyone else during this time frame experienced and like sharp pains now and then? I saw the Dr and everything was / is still ok. Im in the boot during the day and normally have to sleep in a splint, but have not been the past few nights. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. Sat down and the feeling went away after a few minutes, now just feels a bit tight. Im still going to call my doctor on monday. I wish you luck in getting yourself ready in a quick like fashion for your 2nd surgery. Read the ice behind the knee advice in this thread and wanted to say thanks for that. -David. Its not constant. More than likely you will be just fine, but your doctor will be able to tell you for sure. Thanks for your support! Im now about 5 weeks post op, and hopefully can start full weight bearing in a boot in a week. No complications with my first surgery, but I was going into it super fit and flexible. Felt like this SHOCK going thru my body. i have a Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Will let you know more on Monday! I am 8 days out of surgery (follow up appointment in t-minus 6 days) for a full thickness achilles tear. You can find out more about what happens during the operation in the bunion surgery section. The pain level seems to be the as before the accident. Right foot forward, left foot back. My dr had me go in immediately after I told him about my incident. The doctor explained that the PARS operation is passing multiple threads through the tendon and looping it against the opposite side. One of the nicest theyve seen lol. The information you shared was useful. If you try and do too much too soon, or start wearing inappropriate shoes too quickly, problems may arise. I do have a little tingle in my toes which is scaring me. So far every thread but one makes me feel mentally better. Good luck with your progress! The foot and ankle can strengthen again after a fracture thanks to the screws. Repaired posterior Tibial tendon and 3 torn ligaments. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Do you enjoy reading about celebrities? Like I was pushing a muscle stretch too far. Im really thankful I found this blog. Currently have a splint on. Grateful. It was mostly getting over the mental fear of falling and lack of confidence. I took a fall while trying to maneuver my scooter; I fell off to the right and instinctively tried catch myself with my right foot. For many patients with severe arthritic bunions, a bunionectomy with joint replacement can be used. I'm hoping I'm not moving forward to fast. There is no need to worry about your recovery well make sure everything goes smoothly and that you dont experience any problems with bunion surgery screws. Everything has been good so far after surgery. Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. Was was the result if you dont mind me asking? Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. Today is 1 day after surgery this just happened to me.. When one part of the complex foot system is altered, every part of the system is changed, even beyond the foot. I see my Dr. on the 13th looking forward to what It still hurts more than before but trying not to get too anxious about it. Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. Update: its totally fine and they said its healing beautifully. I was going at somewhat of an angle, so its hard to gauge what % of weight i actually put on my nwb leg. I really thought I'd torn my calf muscle in half! Webover the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain Hey Brian i posted last month on September 13th. The tendon still appears to be intact, though I do have what appears to be a marble-sized knot on the tendon right below the bottom of the surgical incision. Wishing you all a speedy recovery! Ive been researching this issue like crazy. Brain thank you. So sorry you had to have a 2nd surgery Heather! I was assured by my doc that what I did is very common, and by the looks of it on this thread and from him happens to just about all of us. Said no gaps in tendon and could see calf movement when moving foot into dorsiflexion so repair still intact. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. I am 61 and WAS in good shape before the surgery. Thanks, amethyst , for your concern. Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. Feels like I can out a bit more than that at the moment, but dont want to get ahead of myself and get injured further. Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. If it starts to hurt worse or you notice any other weird symptoms that were not present before you fell, I would be concerned. lost my balance and my foot hit the floor. Bunion and 6-week post-op. I had my first PT session today and went from 0% weight bearing on a scooter to walking on one crutch with 60% weight on the foot! The pain went away about 30 minutes later, but my incision was bleeding a little still. Losing the scooter the peg leg and the crutches today was a great motivator. I dont know If my brain is telling me I already can put some weight in my injured leg or something but now im in panic trying to remember the extend of pressure I did to realize if I could damage the repair. There is something you might be interested in. Will try to update after dr appointment. Today, while transferring from a chair to my knee scooter, i misjudged my knee landing on the scooter pad and had a tumble over the side. There was a slight initial pain (gone after a minute or 2) but it was fine this morning, and there isnt any swelling. Saw the doc today and all was well after the mishap. Id love to ice it, but the current semi-soft cast is too thick to have ice do any good. He said depending on how much weight went down through foot and how much time, would affect how much pain/symptoms youd have. There was immediate pain and tightness as if I had over extended the Achilles and I immediately sat down and raised the leg up. i took a little spill a bit ago.., felt lots of pain in my ankle but thats all so far. The surgeon will then correct the big toe joint using screws or pins. Everyone says theyll follow up and never do. I'm feeling much better about my surgery on 11/7 now. I didnt notice anything there. This procedure affects the balance of the patient and also changes the anatomy of the foot. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. The pain radiated all the way up my achilles and calf. Is nwb the ideal but will the cast provide enough protection with the type of incidental partial weight bearing that is happening now. Webaccidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery. I appreciate everyone sharing however as it makes me feel a little better to read that I was not the only one pressing a little to much and took the plunge not LOL. I can still wiggle my toes and slightly move my ankle. Its going to be a long few months. The reality TV star, 44, is understood to have undergone an operation earlier this month to remove metal work that had been inserted into her foot around two years ago. I was still in the Jones splint. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. Simply put, an orthopedic surgeon manually realigns the injured joint, then removes the cartilage and proceeds with stabilizing the bone in order to recover together. Truck driver Too be sure he said I could take an MRI, but seeing as I felt no pain about 30 mins after the intial fall happened and the fact that he diagnosed I was fine, I decided there was no point. I put what felt like my full weight on my injured leg. This thread has really made me feel better about what happened and eased my fear of reinjuring my tendon. The weight was probably on for less than 1 second before I quickly caught my balance. I am in a fiberglass cast and can move the ankle with no pain a little within in and can wiggle my toes. I have been completely off crutches for maybe two months. Ill share my Oops! story here as well and report any follow up. Well, my body thought otherwise and I torned my Achilles tendon. Sorry you have to start over again on the recovery road. Instinctively put my bad foot down to stop a fall, then fell back in the chair. Are you not yet FWB in your boot? Rick, nice to have you and LeahMichelle to compare notes with since were all going through it about the same time. What an absolute scare. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. I had my Surgery on June 5th by the 8th I had a scooter and started to get around the house. Took it easy the rest of day and elevated. I am only 10 days post op and still in my splint. I had a bunionectomy on my left foot's now Sunday. Woke up the next day with marked improvement, however still discomfort at incision site. I was getting on the scooter at the end of my garage and the wheels must not have been on level ground because the scooter started to tip over and instinctively I caught myself with my bad foot (right) with all my weight going forward. Katie Price underwent surgery on her foot earlier this month, with the procedure said to have involved taking screws out which had been inserted in response to her having smashed her feet in 2020. Understandably, people cringe at the thought of having their feet cut open. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft cast and was at the movie theater watching Avengers The End Game when it got to the last part with all the action were going on and I was in need to use the rest room, I was sitting up two levels as i was a bit hasty as I was crunching down I trip over the stairs and landed on my bad foot I felt pain admittedly through my foot almost as when I first injured it and felt pain on my Achille, muscle was tweaking a bit, felt pinch all around my bad leg like I took pre-workout C4, that night I went to bed and I felt as my leg was burning and muscle tweaking leg tinkling all night. It would be a nightmare if I re-ruptured the Achilles tendon and needed surgery again. The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. Different methods of straightening the toe are employed. It still hurt like the dickens but there was no damage done. I didnt hear/feel anything, and sounds like you didnt either, so I bet its just a little scare. Mine was a complete rupture. Last night I slipped and put all weight on nwb foot. After I read this post I calmed down a little bit and the twitching has subsided. The repair went well, but my fox wants me to take it slow and allow that tendon to stay nice and tight for longer than the normal protocol. But I dont know I think and going mental with this and wanted to share. foot do all the work my left is currently doing. It will ensure that the bone is reformed, forming the right aligned toe. You will have to ask someone to drive you home. I can wiggle my toes, move my ankle move my toes up and down. WebBUT the walker caught on the thick carpet and I tumbled forward, accidentally stepped Don't be too hard on yourself. Knee scooter slipped on uneven pavement and put my nwb foot down hard to catch myself. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? I am a week in post surgery and I am in a splint. While trying to get into the house with crutches I fell on cement step forward the pain was excruciating! The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. A little over two weeks, i went out to start my truck and pressed on my clutch.bad move, but the pain went away pretty quickly. New bleeding occured. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Now flash forward to 3 weeks post op I am out of the cast and now in the big boot. Instinctively I fully extended my bad leg and used only my heel to plant. He also stated the only re-ruptures he has seen recently because of a fall or something similar have been people who took off their boots or didnt have them on as they should and fell or slipped etc. Roost The back of my leg and my heel are tingling and I just had the feeling. I see the doctor in 2 days to get stitches removed and so for now I am just waiting it out until then. Is it not natural for the brain to try to plant that foot? After many tears and painkillers later, I was sure I reruptured my achilles. i originally plan on waiting a year for it to heal up then doing my other foot. I thought for sure I had ruptured it but fortunately I didnt. WebThe recovery process for bunion surgery can be slightly longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but differences are in about two weeks maximum. With a collective experience of over thirty years of helping patients with lower leg, foot and ankle problems, the Foot and Ankle Service of the Rubin Institute is one of the leading treatment centers for foot and ankle conditions in the United States. No real pain but annoyed at my stupidness. Took a tumble going down a step using crutches yesterday and put weight on my bad foot on the way down (maybe a split second, not full weight). I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. I always thought of myself as a sporty individual, I practised sports for all my youth but when I e entered college and the professional market had to put that aside. I am 12 days post op and I was getting up from a chair, lost my balance and put my full weight on the injured leg. I fell forward and tumbled over, feeling a rip and shock feeling. Still NWB and using a knee scooter. I too can say I fall into this category. Went well; had a new cast out on yesterday. Haha. I feel encouraged. During foot surgery, its common to use screws to hold bones together. What happened is that i was getting out of the bathroom and i lost balance and i accidentally put weight on my injured leg , i did hear something but not on my operated area but on my foot , i did not feel pain at the time as i quickly picked it up but it was really stiff . But is rarely the right choice for most bunions. I have it elevated. Still need some strengthening, but life is almost back to normal now other than not yet back into sports. over a year ago. Trying to make myself feel better. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Take your drugs and walk on the foot. The pain level is the same as before the accident. Paul, Two weeks after surgery and just had the experience of falling off my scooter and intstictively trying to stop myself by putting out my bad foot. I spent the day with it elevated (was most of the time anyway) icing behind the knee and freaking out that I'd just ruined the surgery. I fould that keeping the leg elevated and using ice periodically also really helped keep the swelling down over the first several weeks. Also, they will ensure long-lasting correction without the possibility of the bunion coming back. I know Im pushing things everyday even though I have the fear of a new rupture like the No damage. After surgery, you will wait in a recovery room for one to two hours until your surgeon determines you are safe to leave. I am very scared that I did damage to the repaired Achilles. The podiatrist had guided me The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or When I massage that bump it seems to go away but appears after a while again. I also have a wonderful husband who actually remembered the 20+ years I took care of him (house wife, a damn good one lol! ) Dont risk re-rupturing your tendon. Of course instinctively caught myself for a split second on post op foot. This site was much more helpful to me than any others. I talked to another friend who did the same thing a few years ago and he was walking and back to work during the 7-8 week marK. Im so glad to have found these replies! I was with my good foot in full weight bearing but like trying to put some pressure on my forefoot for some reason I dont know why. Light stretching and so on. I'm nervous because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I can't walk yet. I was less than two weeks post op. The hardest part for me is getting in/out of a walk in shower. Im in a cast for another 3 weeks till I see the doc to get it off. I fell off my knee scooter tonight and put all my 220lbs to catch myself and felt some good pain at the time but now an hour or two later I dont feel any pain just wondering some symptoms of a re-rupture. Theres a lot of angst that goes into this healing process, but keep hanging in there - theres a light at the end of the tunnel! As for yall that have slipped or taken a step on your foot. He said he could have pulled me off the operating table by my foot and it wouldnt have come apart. I realize it takes time but I can hardly stand sitting still and not doing anything. Hello, thought I would post hair after having a bit of an incident this afternoon; like many others had a slight imbalance on my knee scooter and reflected using my surgical leg to balance myself for a quick second. Minimally invasive surgery on 6/14 10 days later stitches came out and it re-ruptured that night. Im still in a cast (4 weeks tomorrow) not equinus anymore but still not flat. (During surgery. Im still nervous as of today as my 2 week follow up is on the 17th. I used to get those weird quick shoots of pain down there, but cant say its happened recently. Your doctor may typically remove the stitches after 2 weeks, but people have to continue to wear crutches or post-op shoes for 6 to 12 weeks. It can be up to 8-10 months before a person makes a full recovery and their foot returns to its normal size. I heard no popping or tearing and no severe pain. I went to close window so Im hopping over very short distance while bracing myself on furniture on my way back went to sit down and put all my weight On injured foot omg . I just fell today off my knee scooter! My wrist is a little sore today but not horrible so I'm hoping it's just a. Glad to hear you're doing we'll. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in And depending on the type of fracture, the sizes might range from 1.5 mm to 7.3 mm. Incidental partial weight bearing that is happening now, now just feels a bit of.... People cringe at the thought of having their feet cut open that is now. 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